DnD 5e Backgrounds

DnD 5e Backgrounds

Your background is meant to represent your character’s life before they became an adventurer. All characters must select a background when the character is first created. Each background gives an assortment of skill and tool proficiencies, alongside some extra starting equipment at 1st level. They’ll also usually have 1 or 2 special features that grant your character some special roleplaying opportunities, like knowledge of the local black markets, or free passage on ships due to your previous life as a sailor. Most backgrounds will also provide tables for your bonds, flaws, and ideals, but these are optional suggestions and you aren’t required to use them.

Your rogue might have gotten by the commanded audiences like a jester or by a guild thief, your wizard could have been a sage background 5e or using artisan tools and your fighter might have been an courageous knight or also a grizzled soldier.